' Wine Club - Grey Fox Vineyards

Wine Club

One Year Membership (billed quarterly)

Benefits of the Wine Club:

  • A large 31% discount on all wines
  • A 10% discount on non-wine items
  • Free wine tasting for members and (2) guests
  • Free Pick-up wine party for members
  • Special Invitation only wine club events 

TERMS and CONDITIONS of membership in the Wine Club:

  1. To become a member of the Wine Club, you must purchase one case (12 bottles) of wine at the time of becoming a member (not required for existing members). Your purchases will receive a discount of 31% off of our winery published retail price.
  2. Members agree to accept and purchase three (3) bottles of wine that the winery will ship or make available for pick-up every quarter (3 months) each year until membership is cancelled.
  3. Members understand that the obligation to receive via UPS or pick-up wine each calendar quarter is not circumvented by the purchase of any other wines at a retail store or at the winery. Quarterly wine club obligations are in addition to any other wines purchased throughout the year.
  4. Members who elect to have the quarterly wine club release be shipped to them, agree to pay the UPS shipping and packaging charges. “Ship–to” customers understand that UPS requires an adult signature to receive wine.
  5. Members who elect to pick-up their wine club release at the winery understand and agree that if they do not pick up their wine by the 10th of the month following the scheduled pick-up months of February, May, August and November, Grey Fox Vineyards is authorized by you to ship the wine at the member’s expense. Member also understands that there can be NO REFUNDS on wines and shipping costs.
  6. Cancellation: Members may cancel their membership at any time WITHOUT COST OR OBLIGATION providing the member has purchased a minimum of their initial purchase plus two (2) quarterly wine club shipments or pick-ups. In the event the member chooses to cancel prior to purchasing two releases of wine, member will be obligated to pay the difference between the regular price and the discounted member price on the wine they received.
  7. Members agree to keep a valid and current credit card on file at the winery along with a valid and a current e-mail address.
  8. All terms and conditions subject to change.

Grey Fox Vineyards Wine Club

  • $35.39 / Shipment
Join Now